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September 29, 2013


James O'Reilly

No doubt after you did archery, gun dog school, and off road driving all in one day, you required more than ample portions of all those delicacies on the Gleneagles menu, all the while keeping your svelte one-digit weight, yes? Good weather, or filthy?


You've got it right, James. When you weigh less than 10, you can eat whatever you want!

As for weather, I considered us pretty lucky. Out of seven full days, we had only two completely gray days. No "smeary rain" or "dreich" (described by one Scottish newscaster as "Scottish onomatopoeia that conveys wet, grey and generally miserable")--two expressions we learned while there.

Otherwise, in an hour it could be rain, sun, rain, sun, rain. I considered that fortunate! Five days when the sun at least made an appearance.

Clark Norton

I visited Gleneagles several years ago, too. I literally tore up the golf course (my picture is now on the wall -- never admit this man again); loved the falconry; ate my first and only haggis (dry, boring); and tried skeet shooting for the first time, taught by some ex-Socttish military guy with waxed mustache. I blasted the first skeet or whatever it's called out of the air on my first pull of the trigger, and the instructor assumed I was a pro. Then I missed my next 60 straight. He got so mad at me he posted my picture as well. Other than that, it was great fun.


Clark - 60 misses. That's talent!
We didn't get to try skeet shooting but someone told me it's not one bullet, but a spray, giving novices a chance? Maybe 61 would have worked?
Or you could have done like a former U.S. VP and aimed for an easier target.

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