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« Memorial Day weekend concert on the Mall welcomes solo travelers and others | Main | You don't have to be great at travel to enjoy solo travel »

June 01, 2010



Even more interesting than the press release is the company's Web site. The links under "Choose Your Fit" include not just the traditional pitches to families, couples, and groups but a page for "Solo Travelers" explaining why their raft trips are "the perfect vacation."

I guess they can get away with treating solo travelers as customers who are just as desirable as families, couples, and groups because they aren't buying services from hotels and cruise ships that price everything for double occupancy. I just wish there were more choices like this for people who prefer a bit less "adventure" and more "amenities." But it's good to see that someone has decided that solo travelers are potential customers to be attracted rather than troublesome anomalies to be ignored and penalized.



When a tour company doesn't have to deal with hotels' double occupancy rules, it can open its doors to all comers at the same price. And welcome everyone equally.

I still don't see why tour companies can't negotiate a couple of single rooms when booking five or six or more rooms for a trip and then offer them first come first served.

Hm, who can I talk to?

Cagayan de Oro whitewater rafting

It's so good to see that someone has decided that solo travelers are potential customers to be attracted for this business. Others prefer group of travelers because they will be income generating.

You've just inspired someone like me with such extremely great adventure. I really like your post.

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