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December 21, 2007


Nicole J. Butler

Thank you for this. I've been considering going back to Paris (solo this time) and studying at the Alliance Francaise as well. Perhaps this blog post is a omen.


Excellent. I say, consider it an omen for sure. Et, bon voyage...

Paris Hotel

Good story from young lady. I'm also travel solo and her impressions is so nice, interesting end adventured. Many new friends from different caltures and religions. Thank you for interesting blog!


Great story! I found it because I am at work, where we are receiving French customers for a sales presentation. The birdfeeder outside my window is being raided by a squirrel. We had a giggle as I tried to pronounce "ecurieul", and she declined to try "squirrel". Naturally, I had to try to look it up online, and I found your story. Thanks!


That's SO funny that you had your own little squirrel/ecureuil conversation. Clearly this is a universal conversation!
Thanks for letting me know. I enjoyed hearing that others had some giggles over the same issue.


What a great picture of your solo time and France. While I only just studied in Italy a few years ago, this reminded me of that time.


They tend to be great adventures, these study abroad experiences.

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